Childcare Schemes

ECCE Scheme – September to June
The Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Scheme provides 2 free years of early childhood care and education for children at pre-school age. In general, children can start ECCE when they reach 2 years and 8 months of age and continue until they transfer to primary school (provided they are not older than 5 years and 6 months at the end of the pre-school year). For children who required additional support can apply for AIM Supports.
Here at Kangakare, the children in our care are always our primary concern. Our team provide positive and meaningful experiences, giving children the opportunity to progress in all areas in an environment where they feel loved and developed as individuals. Our team promotes the concept of diversity and inclusion by welcoming all families into our setting and encourage parents to have an active role in their children’s learning.
Click here for more information or visit

The National Childcare Scheme
The National Childcare Scheme opened in October 2019, replacing all previous childcare programmes with a single, streamlined and user – friendly Scheme to help parents meet the cost of childcare.
Universal and Income Assessed Subsidies are available for families with children aged between 24 weeks and 15 years who are attending any participating Tusla registered childcare service or Tusla registered childminder. Click here for more information.
Admissions Policy
It is the policy of our childcare service to offer equal access to all children from the community including children with a disability or special requirements and irrespective of their culture, religion, membership of ethnic group or minority or family background.
Admissions procedures:
- Parents seeking to secure a place for their child must complete an application form.
- A completed application form must be lodged with Kangakare Childcare Ltd.
- The submission of an application form is not in itself the guarantee of a place.
- Children progressing from junior rooms within the crèche are given precedence over new applicants.
New applicants will be admitted:
a) With preference to applicants with siblings currently attending, once an application form is submitted at appropriate time.
b) On a “first come first served” basis, following submission of the application form.
- Once the applications have been assessed for the forthcoming year, the parents of the applicant will be informed of an available vacancy.
- If there are no remaining places in the appropriate age group, a waiting list will be drawn up.
- Preference is given to full-time children and part-time places are subject to availability.
All types of fees are payable during periods of absence from Kangakare Childcare, including sickness, holidays, Covid-19 exclusion periods and during public holidays. Emergency closures are out of our control, should the service experience disruption, due to weather condition (act of God), unexpected loss of power or an unsafe environment, fees cannot be credited for this, nor could we offer additional days to make up the loss.
Enrolment Deposit
- To reserve a place, a 50% deposit of the first month’s fee is due at time of Enrolment. The deposit will be refunded direct to your account on the condition that 60 days notice is given to cease your place.
- The deposit is to hold a place and will only be refunded if you give 60 days notice of cancellation before the child’s start date.
- ECCE Deposit: €50 is due in advance when a child is offered a place. This deposit will be returned once the place is approved by Pobal, and the Parent Declaration Form and all other relevant documentation is complete.
- ECCE Scheme term time only September – June. Crèche fees reduced for 10 months only.
- NCS & Childcare Subsidies: Kangakare can only reduce fees by the subsidy issued under your scheme. NCS does not back date payments.
- Fees are due in advance of the month by electronic transfer.